Mongol Derby 2024 Day 10 – A hero’s welcome


Mongol Derby 2024 Day 10 – A hero’s welcome

Holly Conyers

Mongol Derby

And just like that, it’s all over. The 2024 Mongol Derby has drawn to a close on Day 10, with the rest of our heroic riders pulling out all the stops to complete the adventure of a lifetime. The drizzle did nothing to dampen our spirits out on the steppe, as riders, crew and friends and family alike thronged at the finish line to cheer on those riding into camp.

Vet Don presided over a bustling HS28 this morning, as 8 riders arose ready to conquer the last leg of the 2024 Derby. Off most went early doors, to relish a final gallop across the steppe before the dream comes to an end. They were mounted up and ready for blast off by 6:30 on the dot, clearly now extremely motivated by the prospects of warm, dry clothing and a camp bed. Marni Hamilton (MHA) was onboard a prancing pony who looked well up to the job. Her response to Don’s request for a final call sign and comment on check out: “MHA, I hope I live”. (Spoiler, she did.) Fred Berry (FBE) blasted straight past Don completely ignoring him in his excitement to reach his goal, followed by Kelly Westlake (KWE): “KWE, let’s send it.” HMO: “Let’s get her done.” That’s more like it.

FBE suddenly reappeared, concerned he had been recalled for having forgotten his vet card. Gamely battling with his one good arm to hold back his very enthusiastic dun mount, he provided comment anyway: “Been a wonderful experience. That’s about all I need to say cause this horse needs to go, thanks to everybody!” And off he went over the horizon at full pelt with the rest of the gang. A stylish steppe exit. Meanwhile, Head Vet Fred stalked the finish line, keeping an eye out for the next of his charges.

5 riders were the first to arrive in a happy little band. Sisters Claire Morgan (CMO) and Hannah Morgan (HMO) were greeted by a strong family contingent at the line to celebrate their wonderful effort to make it round the Derby together. Both have always been incredibly positive, a great laugh and general good eggs, and will be sorely missed on the steppe.

They were joined by Marni Hamilton (MHA) and Shelby van Weelden (SVW), proudly riding across the line with serious cheesers plastered across their faces. Beautifully done, ladies. Last in the merry band was FBE, whose horse had mercifully calmed down enough not to yank out his one remaining good arm on the ride in to the finish line. Never have we before seen a rider make it round with an arm in a sling, fashioned out of a herder’s belt no less.

Shortly after them appeared the two Kellys, Kelly Dudley (KDU) and Kelly Westlake (KWE). Huge congratulations to them both on crossing the line, after seriously gritty, determined rides. Hot on their hocks came Monica Erickson (MER), mounting up again to enjoy a final blast to the finish line despite having felt rather poorly for most of the Derby. What a comeback.

Still out on the course but closing fast were Billy Crouch (BCR) and Bindi Boshammer (BBO). BCR was in and out of HS28 this morning by 8:05, having made lightning fast time from his campsite at HS27 last night. He was in good company: BBO waited for and set off with him. Both had a textbook ride on their last leg of the Derby, savouring the views and good company (but perhaps not the weather).

Meanwhile, bringing up the rear of the field at quite the pace, Ross Colbert (RCO) was already flying from HS27 to HS28.  He continued his storming ride over the last couple of days, riding the fastest leg of any rider this year from HS26 to HS27, clocking a record breaking 2hrs 33 minutes. He was lucky again at HS27 to pull a rocket off the lines, but sadly took a slightly lengthier route than average which meant his time into HS28 wasn’t quite so speedy. Despite the mishap, by 13:49 he was safely out of HS28, gunning for the finish.

Little did he know, the entire crew, riders and friends and family had assembled at the finish line to welcome him, as damp, cold and feeling very very stiff, he soldiered bravely on to claim the honour of final placed finisher of the Mongol Derby 2024. The scenes at finish camp nearly brought a tear to our eye, and reminded us all what the Derby is really about: camaraderie, the love of the horse, and sticking it out no matter what the steppe throws at you.

Massive, hearty congratulations to all of our riders this year. It’s been a hell of a rollercoaster, seeing you all riding out some giddy highs and heartbreaking lows. We are so proud of all you have put into it, and of all the lessons you have no doubt learnt from the mighty horses, people and culture of Mongolia.

As is tradition, in addition to our final official placings for those who were still riding in the competitive category, our crew also put their heads together at finish camp to award some special prizes. The prestigious Vets’ Choice Award is decided by all the vets by committee, and goes to the rider they felt best cared for and managed their horses during the Derby. This year the vet’s gold star went to Josh Dales (JDA), who rode an extraordinary race to take joint 3rd, but also managed it with a completely clean vet card and a horse-first attitude that did not go unnoticed. Well done, JDA: that’s a more valuable prize than any placing.

The Spirit of the Derby award is decided by the crew as a whole, who get together to discuss who truly exemplified the traits of the ideal Derby rider. It’s very easy to have a strop when you’re overtired, starving and you’ve just been bucked off a horse. But it’s very difficult to stay calm, patient and determined in the same situation. This reward is designed to honour riders who do just that, and this year went to the very deserving Gideon Kotkowski and Almira Zakiyeva. Both were universally adored by herders, crew and riders alike, for their good humour even when faced with objectively absolutely rubbish situations. Well done, folks: you two are a very special breed.

This year, the crew also felt there were a few more new awards they wanted to dole out to honour riders who stood out for very distinct reasons. Augustus Read (ARE) took an absolute battering out there, but he somehow just kept bouncing back up with a big smile on his face. For that, he has earned the Steppe Dart award, going to the rider who got buried the most but just kept riding. We look forward to his rodeo riding debut.

The Steppe Soldier award went to the rider who just kept plugging on to the finish in incredible good cheer, despite riding behind by himself for quite some way. This, of course, went to RCO, who has taught us all a powerful lesson in the power of quiet, humble perseverance.

And, last but not least, the Steppe Hero award was created this year in special honour of an extraordinary act of selflessness and team spirit which blew us all away on Day 1. CMO had put her on competitive prospects aside on leg 1 of the Derby, when she spotted BCR’s saddlebag lying abandoned on the steppe. Instead of pushing on through and just informing the crew at HS1, she diverted herself, got off her own horse to collect it, clambered back on and then trudged into HS1 carrying it with her on her horse. It takes a pretty special person to do that. Our hero.

Prizes handed out and vodka shots down the hatch, the 2024 Mongol Derby has officially come to an end. A huge big thank you to everyone who has followed along with us as the riders have tackled the world’s longest and toughest horse race and the adventure of a lifetime. Of course, none of it would be possible without our phenomenal, bonkers crew who have poured their blood, sweat and tears (and a serious lack of sleep) into pulling the Derby off once again.

But an even bigger thanks and appreciation must go to the herder families of Mongolia. They welcome us into their land, their culture and even their homes to share with us the spirit and tradition of their magical country, and provide our crew and riders with an experience they will neither forget nor surpass in their lifetimes. Without them, there would be no Derby.

And of course, the final nod must go to the reason so many equine obsessed lunatics from around the world descend on Mongolia every year: the Mongolian horses. Truly unique in so many ways, they have heart, soul and brains which far exceed their diminutive stature. Addictive, enchanting and so often the hardest and the best ride of your life, they keep us all coming back for more year after year.

And so we sign off: until next year!

Photo credits: Kathy Gabriel, Tulgaa Skizz

Mongol Derby 2024 Race Results

1st: Missy Morgan
2nd: Sam Jones
3rd: Grace Neuhaus, Josh Dales, Josh Edwards
6th: Augustus Read, Gianna Aycock, Lola Day, Margaret Holloway
10th: Almira Zakiyeva
11th: Bert Read, Charles Read, Grey Godsal
14th: Alyssa Cederstrand
15th: Brydie Black, Emma Watson, Marieke Schnebeli
18th: Annabelle Heffron
19th: Elli Gilje
20th: Gideon Kotkowski
21st: Colby Coltrain
22nd: Terje Gilje
23rd: Sophie de Rouet
24th: Claire Morgan, Hannah Morgan, Marni Hamilton
27th: Kelly Dudley, Kelly Westlake
29th: Billy Crouch
30th: Ross Colbert

Adventure Category: Belinda Boshammer, Christina Asklund, Corrina Leeflang, Fred Berry, Kat Sibley, Monica Erickson, Sarah Delia, Shelby Van Weelden, Yolande Steyn

Retired: Christine Wilson, Peter Dargie, Ying Jiang

DNS: Andre Souza, Dede Anders

Vets’ Choice Award: Josh Dales

Spirit of the Derby Award: Almira Zakiyeva, Gideon Kotkowski

Steppe Dart: Augustus Read

Steppe Soldier: Ross Colbert

Steppe Hero: Claire Morgan

Holly Conyers

Mongol Derby