Mongol Derby 2024 Day 9 – Sharing the spoils


Mongol Derby 2024 Day 9 – Sharing the spoils

Holly Conyers

Mongol Derby

Day 9 of the 2024 Mongol Derby sees another 26 of our spectacular cohort of riders reach finish camp to become official Mongol Derby veterans. Welcome to the tribe: you’re now a member for life. While the slightly damp and dreary weather wasn’t much of a cause for celebration, everybody still out on the course gritted their teeth to battle through it, either to join the party at finish camp or make it that bit closer out on the steppe. Many loyal riding companions and newly minted friends for life have touchingly chosen to cross the line together and share their final race placings, showing the kind of sportsmanship that makes the Derby such a special experience for so many. It’s been a day of emotional reunions, remarkable riding and hard-earned cold beers. But it’s not over yet: still out on the course we have 10 determined jockeys who get to enjoy some more steppe magic before it’s all over tomorrow.

First within sight of the finish line were Josh Edwards (JED), Josh Dales (JDA) and Grace Neuhaus (GNE), who had wasted no time at all this morning in drawing their final horses and zooming out of HS28 by 6:33. They rode a smooth leg to savour the last of the freedom of the steppe, before crossing the line, arms raised, to share joint third in a moment of touching solidarity. All have ridden wonderful races. JDA becomes the first rider to finish with a completely clear penalty score card, not even a minute of late riding. JED has shown us the real meaning of cowboying up, riding a stormer out there at the front. GNE’s also ridden a blinder of a race, again having held a competetive position since Day 1 but really finishing strong to move up the pack the last few days. Congratulations all: you should be feeling proud as punch. We certainly are.

Setting off from their home at HS27 last night, Augustus Read (ARE), Lola Day (LRD), Gianna Aycock (GAK) and Margaret Holloway (MGO) covered the last two legs of the Derby today with ease to ride across the line in unison and seize a very well earned joint 6th place. They’d even managed to pick four very complimentary shades of chestnut for their group effort. Teamwork makes the dream work, and all that. LRD had her very own fan club excitedly cheering her on from the finish line, some of her family having made the trip out to the steppe to share her special moment (and something bubbly) with her. Well done LRD on a brilliant, gutsy ride. You more than deserve the hero’s welcome. ARE takes home the prize of undisputed King of Calamity out on the steppe, having endured very probably everything that could possibly go wrong. That he’s still smiling and riding well is a serious testament to a great attitude and skill on a horse.

MGO has bounced back beautifully from her disheartening vet card mishap a few days ago, which saw her part company with longtime riding companion JDA. Soldiering on with serious determination, she’s impressed everyone with her cool and collected manner around some extremely hot horses. GAK meanwhile has proved her exemplary skills as a horsewoman, crossing the line with a flawless vet card. It was, however, a bittersweet moment: she had crossed the line, but without fiancé Colby Coltrain (CCO) by her side. Would he make it home today to join her in celebrating their incredible joint achievement (and the survival of their relationship through a few testing horses)?

Next up, crossing the line solo at the end of a gargantuan solo effort to conquer the Derby, our Mongol Derby Academy 2023 graduate Almira Zakiyeva (AZA) clinches a very well deserved 10th place to round off the top 10. Crossing the line with her usual effortless grace despite some intense rain, she earned a huge proud hug from Head Vet Fred on sailing through her vetting. She’d made it today from HS26, where she’d elected to stay last night after a tough leg which had seen her a little lost and walking rather a long way. Recharged and refreshed this morning, she’s sailed through today’s stations in excellent form. Well done, AZA: what a ride.

Last night’s navigational gamble between HS25 and HS26 had paid off for Brit boyband Bert Read (BRE), Charles Read (CRE) and Grey Godsal (GGO), who raced ahead of those camped on the other side of the mountains last night to claim joint 11th today. While missing brother ARE, we got 2 of 3 of the Read brothers together on the finish line. The pair have ridden incredibly brave races to kick on on right through to the line, despite being separated very early on. GGO has also been a phenomenal competitor, noted for his calm manner, excellent riding and infallible sportsmanship. What a gent. Welcome to the party, boys.

They were shortly followed by Alyssa Cederstrand (ACE), overtaking two riders ahead of her today to finish in fine form to claim 14th place with a highly prestigious clean vet card. No mean feat: big congrats, ACE. A strong ride ever since charging to the lead of the race at HS1.

15th went to Emma Watson (EWA), also riding a fantastic day to pick off some riders ahead of her and finish in fine form. Just behind her came compatriot and riding buddy Brydie Black (BBL) and Marieke Schnebeli (MSC), joyously triumphant as they crossed the line side by side to also share 15th with EWA. Excellent work ladies, and wonderful rides.

18th was claimed by Annabelle Heffron (AHE), who also crossed the line with Sophie de Rouet (SDR). Both were looking overjoyed to cross the line with arms wrapped round each other. Well done ladies, we shall miss your infectious smiles. SDR crossed the line with some penalty time still unsat, so her official placing will be calculated once everyone has crossed the line.

19th went to father and daughter team Elli (EGI) and Terje Gilje (TGI), who amazingly still seem to quite like each other after putting their familial bond through the absolute wringer. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Congratulations on am impressive team effort and a fantastic ride.

Gideon Kotkowski (GKO) arrived at the line with trademark energy and enthusiasm, traits which have characterised his journey round the steppe. Always positive, even when having lost his horse 2.5k out of HS27 this morning, he’s been a real pleasure to have on the steppe. A touching reunion at finish camp with his very proud mum brought a tear to many an eye, not just his.

And last but not least of today’s finishers, CCO made it home to finish camp and the waiting arms of GAK. He’s shown real resilience and grit the last couple of day’s to insist his fiancé ride on without him when he was feeling poorly, and then picked himself up to go the distance himself. It’s fair to say he missed his riding buddy, overheard several times since she kicked on asking passing crew “Are we there yet?” while chugging along on his lonesome. You are now CCO, and with an impressive clean vet card to show for it. Well done you.

And that’s just the riders who were still riding competitively for an official placing. Our first Adventure Category legends also crossed the line today, having shown extraordinary toughness and perseverance to get back on the horse and keep riding on even when they’d had to take temporary breaks from the course. Mongol Derby Academy 2023 classmates and firm friends Sarah Delia (SDE) and Yolande Steyn (YST) have stuck together through thick and thin and some challenging moments to cross the line side-by-side, together to the last and grinning ear to ear. Serious pats on the back for both. And, shortly after them, Kat Sibley (KSI) smashed her goal of crossing the finish line on her second Derby attempt, after she had to duck out last time with an injury. Congratulations Kat, on a fantastic effort.

Hearty congratulations to all our riders who’ve already made it home tonight to hot showers, clean clothes and a bit of a party (for those who could keep their eyes open past 9pm). But let’s not forget: there’s still plenty Derby action out on the steppe, with our remaining 10 intrepid riders still to cross the line tomorrow. Ross Colbert (RCO), laying his head at HS26 tonight, has smashed his goal of riding three more horse stations today to make it home by end of riding hours tomorrow. In fact, he’s making it look rather easy. Arriving into HS24, he clocked in a 2hr 55 minute leg, just 5 minutes slower than the fastest rider in the whole race on that stretch. Ever the gentleman, he gave all the credit to his handsome little horse, a serious goer who answered every ask with gusto. On a roll, he redraw and blasted out of HS24 in no time. By HS25, a large crowd of expectant admirers had gathered to help him on his way. Herders were jostling for position to help him tack up and continue on his charge. And continue he did, making it to HS26 in great time this evening, but feeling a little stiff. Staggering slightly on dismounting, he sagely decided to rest up and tackle what remains of the course tomorrow morning. Smart call, RCO. See you at the finish party.

GAK also drew quite the crowd amongst her hosts at HS225 this morning, when the herders caught wind of her grand prix showjumping prowess. Out came the phone to show them many photos of her very handsome horse back home, which went down a storm.

Fred Berry (FBE) was feeling chipper and “better than he deserved” at HS27 astride a relaxed looking chestnut, who’d been his second draw off the line. His first had been a spirited beast which had casually chucked off a herder before FBE mounted. Not quite what FBE had meant when he asked for “a crippled old man’s horse.” Lost in translation, apparently. Billy Crouch (BCR) has had to sit and wait a while at HS27 to sit out a penalty earned but not yet sat a few days ago, and so spends his last night on the steppe at HS27. The rest of the gang are up ahead at HS28, tantalisingly close to Mongol Derby glory and reunion with the rest of their riding companions. Tomorrow will see them receive quite the welcome, cheered over the line by the rest of their cohort and all the very proud crew.

For now, we await their arrival, and the finale to the Mongol Derby 2024.

Photo credits: Kathy Gabriel, Tulgaa Skizz, Holly Cathels, Louise Crosbie

Day 9 Close of Play





Adventure Category: CAS, CLE, FBE, KSI, MER, SDE, SVW, YST

Retired: BBO, CWI, PDA, YJI

Holly Conyers

Mongol Derby