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The Riders of 2023

These are the brave riders of the 2023 July Mongol Derby (the letters after their names are what we use to refer to them during the race for speed).

Aisha Gross – AGR

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Alice Roosevelt – ARO

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Arthur Dobell – ADO

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Ashlin O’Connell – AOC

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Bianca Farmas-Griffith – BFA

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Chyulu Francombe – CFA

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Dominic Gwyn-Jones – DGJ

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Elizabeth Bailey – EBA

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Emily Asprey – EAS

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Emmelia Potts – EPO

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Erin Sykes – ESY

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Fahad Jamil – FJA

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Hannah Bicket – HBC

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Hilaire Blyth – HBL

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Holly Conyers – HCO

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Isabella De Santis – IDS

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Jessie Dowling – JDO

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Jock Rayner – JRA

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Judith Jaeckle – JJA

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Keren Dunn – KDU

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Lexi Perry – LPE

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Linda Hermann – LHE

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Lucy Joel – LJO

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Madliene Haim – MHA

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Martin McMahon – MMC

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Matthew Perella – MPE

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Micaiah Skolnick – MSO

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Moazzam Hayat – MHK

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Olivia Gaweda – OGA

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Omer Hayat Khan – OHK

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Phoebe de Raeve – PRA

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Randy Carr – RCA

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Rebecca Hester – RHE

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Reid Albano – RAL

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Rollo Gwyn-Jones – RDJ

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Sam Fielding – SFL

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Sebastian Corke – SCO

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Sidney Pye – SPY

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Solana Perez – SPE

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Trinity Nelzen – TNE

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Umair Kaimkhani – UKA

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Xavier Ferrer – XFE

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